COVID-19 – Safety Measures
Dear Clients,
For your and our safety during this time we are currently enforcing the following measures:
- Only a maximum of three people are allowed to wait inside at any one time. Any persons in excess of three are cordially requested to wait outside the office.
- No one will be allowed inside without a face mask or visor. Should we have available, we can provide you with a surgical mask against payment. Masks are NOT to be thrown away in our offices.
- Anyone showing signs of illness will respectfully be declined entry.
- No groups larger than two (2) or three (3) persons will be allowed inside the lawyer’s offices at any one time, depending on the size of the office. You are ideally requested to come alone. Children or babies should not be brought to the office.
- You are cordially requested to be punctual. Late attendance may be declined.
- Upon entry, you are immediately requested to wash your hands with the hand sanitizer that is placed on the reception desk.
- Meetings will only take place strictly by appointment. No walk-ins are currently permitted.
- You are required to keep a two-meter distance at all times both inside and outside the office.
- Above all, we actively encourage you to get in touch with us, whenever possible, through video conferencing software such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype and FB Messenger.
Għeżież Klijenti,
Għas-sigurtà tagħkom u tagħna f’dan iż-żmien qiegħdin nenforzaw dawn il-miżuri:
- Massimu ta’ tliet persuni biss jistgħu jidħlu jistennew ġewwa f’kull waqt. Persuni in eċċess ta’ tlieta huma mitluba jistennew barra sakemm jissejħu għall-appuntament tagħhom mill-avukati tagħna.
- Ħadd ma jista’ jidħol ġewwa jekk ma jkunx liebes maskra jew visor. Jekk ikollna maskri disponibbli nistgħu nipprovdukm b’waħda bi ħlas. Maskri MA JISTGĦUX jintremaw ġewwa l-uffċċju.
- Jekk xi ħadd juri sinjali ta’ mard mhux ser jiġi permess jidħol ġewwa.
- L-ebda’ gruppi ta’ aktar minn żewġ (2) jew tliet (3) persuni massimu m’huma permessi jidħlu fl-uffiċini tal-avukati u skont id-daqs tal-uffiċju. Idejalment nippreferu li tiġu waħidkom. Tfal u trabi ma għandomx jiġu magħkom l-uffiċċju.
- Ġentilment mitluba tiġu fil-ħin sabiex ma jinġemgħux nies. F’każ li tkunu tardi nistgħu nikkanċellaw l-appuntament.
- Kif appena tidħlu l-uffċju inthom mitluba taħslu idejkom bil-hand sanitizer li jinsab fuq il-bank tar-reception.
- Laqgħat ser isiru biss bl-appuntament. Mhux ser naċċettaw dħul għall-għarrieda.
- Qed tiġu mitluba tosservaw distanza ta’ żewġ metri f’kull waqt kemm ġewwa u kemm barra l-uffiċju.
- Fuq kollox ninkoraġġukom li, sa fejn hu possibbli, tiltaqaw magħna bl-użu tal-video conferencing bħal Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype u FB Messenger.
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